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All services running normally
Latest CourtServe 2000 version adds support for multi-party case alerts
Roll-out to all Crown and Magistrates' courts completed
CourtServe 2000Application
Saves clerking time and money, tracks your cases, adds value
ISO 27001Certified ISO 27001
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Live Court Listingsdelivering lists to the legal profession
Magistrates' Court Lists
Crown copyright. The Magistrates' Court lists are reproduced under licence from the Secretary of State for Justice. These Court lists are for personal viewing only. Copying, reproduction and distribution in any form or media whatsoever and in any country, is expressly prohibited.
Courtel and His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) use their best endeavours to provide lists which are free of errors but give no warranty as to their accuracy or completeness. The lists are subject to change at short notice at the discretion of the courts.
Lists are published throughout the day. If you are expecting to see a specific court and the list has not been published by 5pm (for the following day) or you have a specific question about a list that has been published, please contact the court directly. This is a new service, please bear with us - thank you.